Sunday, February 16, 2014

Something I am very excited about is the upcoming VoSe Festival at Kawai Purapura, Albany this weekend.
 Apart from the many amazing workshops that will be there, we will also launch a MultiFaith Continuous Kirtan performance from many diverse spiritual communities from Auckland and around the country.

These groups have come together to perform for one hour each 'non-stop' as part of the 9 hour continuous kirtan performance. This is the first time something like this has happened in Auckland where so many spiritual communities have come together to provide a continuous performance of devotional singing or kirtan. It has been a year in preparation, from when we began the Multi Faith Kirtan once a month events last year, encouraging networking between the different groups in Auckland, till the present day.

My group called the Earth Song Choir has been drawn together from various choirs, music schools and spiritual groups in Auckland to perform songs for the evening, some of which I have written especially for the VoSE festival and some are traditional. These include the music for Ananda Sutram, Sonal Bhor and Touched by the Sea from Prabhat samgiit Collection, as well as an original called  Tamaki Makaurau. We have a string quartet, and a 15 strong choir. The songs reflect various themes such as diversity in unity, sacred Sanksrit sutras, Bengali long songs and NZ folks songs as well. Here's the link to find out more about it.

As Music Curator it is my goal to provide the mist uplifting, positive, exciting as well as challenging musical experiences imaginable for both participants and audience alike.
See you there!