Monday, May 17, 2010


I have decided to keep a diary of my memoirs of a kirtan performer because many powerful incidents happen in my life as a consequence of it. The most recent event was being reported on by someone in the Busking Scheme at Victoria station two weeks ago almost for selling my cd's which, since the LU took over we are not allowed to do. I was told that I was suspended...

That was a strange morning, I woke early, yet found it hard to get out of bed but thought, no I must, I havent been to Vicotora in a long while and I wanted to see the smilng faces of some of the people I used to see regularly and to do my work as a performer, to sing kirtan and help to cheer people up in the morning. This is a traditional practice in India, as a way of creating auspiciousness in the village, and in that dark underground I thought it woundn't go amiss. I love to sing to people on their way to work.. and you know the aphorism about singing/listening to kirtan, is that.. "with veneration or without" i.e. whether one likes it or not, the benefits are still felt..
(to be continued)