Friday, August 29, 2008

gigs this month

Gigs coming up:

This week at Waterloo station 1 at 8 am on wednesday the 3rd Sept.
Green Park 2 at 8 am on Thursday.

Ireland Song and Kirtan Tour, Sept 21-26th:
organised by Sunrise Farm, Didi Ananda Prama and friends,
Gigs at Limmerick, Cork, Dublin and Limmerick.
(more news to be added)

The House of Lords on Oct 9th for CINI (Children in Need in India)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Rarhi Chhau

Theyre were here and they were awesome!! They danced and played every day at the British Library piazza, causing peoples hair to stand on end, and leaving with mouths open exclaming "fantastic", "absolutely frightening", "amazing" etc.

They gave 3 workshops on the 16th at the AMC then went on tour to different festivals after that, like Larmer Tree. I find their dance, music and theatrical expressions full of devotional zeal, with the power of raw thunder and blazing beauty.

From this ancient culture, they were here for such a short time, so I just want to say thankyou to everyone who has helped make this happen, especially Jon Fawcett from the British Library, Viram from AMC and P.R.Sarkar who inspired in the first place to see Chhau at DMC in India in 1980.

with love

