Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Yoga Festival Performance

8:30 Songs of Ecstasy and Unity at Kawai Purapura, 14 Mills Lane, we shall be performing with Special Guest: Veshnu, Indian Classical Dancer An exciting performance of ancient and contemporary songs in Sanskrit from the Vedas, Tantric scriptures, and contemporary 'Songs of the New dawn' or Prabhat Samgiita as well as nature sounds to uplift, inspire you to go deeper in your yogic practises. I am performing with Sarasvati Willis (clarinet, flute, piano), Kavita Neumannova (Indian khol drum) and Sian Fairburn (cello) to create a performance inspired by ‘The sound of God’ a discourse given by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. Special guest: Indian classical dancer Veshnu, a consummate performer of Bharatha Natyam. Veshnu has won various awards and grants for international dance projects.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Upcoming Performances

I have recently been made Musical Director if the NZ film "Stars in Her Eyes", Produced and Directed by Athina Tsoulis, so shall be working on it this month PLUS Upcoming Performances: Easter Weekend: Yoga Festival, Thursday night March 28th, Address: Kawai Purapura, 14 Mills Land, Albany. Time: 8:45; Waihi: April 4, Venue TBC; Sydney, May 4th, Venue TBC; Melbourne Australia: Workshop Saturday May 18th 2 – 3 pm: “Sacred Songs of World Traditions” workshop 7:30 pm: Jyoshna In Concert; Sunday May 19th 10:30 – 3:30: “Sacred Songs of World Traditions” workshop; For enquiries and bookings contact: Vimukti 0434520351 or Plus New Album Release: Live in Brazil Recent Performances March 16th: Culture Clash, TAPAC, Auckland, Voices of Sacred Earth Festival: Jyoshna and the AM Choir presents Songs from her album Unity Hours II and Prabhata Samgiita 'songs of the new dawn'. New Years Gathering: Tyalgum Australia, Five days of Workshops, voices for the Choral Kirtan