Sunday, September 09, 2012

Recent Gigs: songs of the Sea- Te Henga and Beyond, 10th August, Local Artists get together to play and sing at The Barn. Hosted by Scott and Anabelle, 44 Te Aute Ridge Road. Artists:Jyoshna and ModhuRasa, Venus and the Wink Winks, Riki Sharn and Josh, Harp and Soul, Johnnie and Julie Corker, and guests. Kirtan Concert at Essence Yoga Centre, Birkenhead, 28th July, hosted by Marcia. Kirtan Concert at Gabrielles Yoga Centre, Cockburn Street, Grey Lynn, 8th September. WE ARE PLAYING THIS SATURDAY THE 15th AT THE WAIHI WELLNESS FESTIVAL, WAIHI MARAE, COME AND ENJOY NEW SONGS TO DANCE TO.