Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Corbans Summer School Programme. I will be teaching Sacred Songs of World Traditions Where you will have the experience of singing sacred songs from ancient and contemporary music traditions, and be informed of the context from where they have originated, drawn from my musical experiences and research in India, Spain and other countries.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sacred Music festival (Voices of Sacred Earth, VOSE)

As an organiser for the Voices of Sacred Earth festival, the first of its kind in NZ, you would be wise to grab your early bird tickets now. We have an amazing line up of performance groups and workshops from a wide variety of cultures for the weekend of February the 9th till 10th, 2013. The primary purpose of the Festival is to provide a beautiful space for sacred music and performance of all kinds including indigenous people's, various spiritual communities locally and internationally, as well as specialists in their fields. http://voices2013.kawaipurapura.co.nz/wordpress/ We have Sacred Music of Maori, Tantra, Jewish, Sufism, Indonesia, Pacific Island, Christian groups, as well as my group ModhuRasa, performing and giving workshops on both days. Welcome, In Joy!!

Culture Clash, This is what I am up to at the moment (and have been since Dec. 2011)at TAPAC, Auckland. You will see us rehearsing from 10:13 mins onwards, This excerpt is about Vanya, one of our fabulous performers http://tvnz.co.nz/content/4835389.xhtml