I have begun organising with a core group of people from different backgrounds and traditions, a Sacred Voices Festival, with the intention of creating bridges across valleys of various faiths, indigenous, spiritual and cultural traditions that exist in our locality, though music, performance and visual arts.
Having done something similar 11 years ago in Auckland where we had 15 different groups performing including: Christian Gospel, Adi dam drama, Ananda Marga kirtans, Tibetan Buddhist throat singing with obeo, Bahai performance, etc I believe that this time it will create an even greater impact, with everyone feeling absolutely elated.
It will be at Kawai Purapura in February. I welcome anyone to get in touch with me if you would like to perform with your group. So far we have had tremendous interest from: Richard Nunns (taonga Pouro), Jack Body (gammelan), the spiritual community of Adidam, Georgian singers and others. I will keep you updated.