these last few months

These last few months have been a Sunshine'/Whirly tour of Down Under: NZ for a family Xmas, then Ozie for the Anandamela at Stanthorpe, then back to NZ to the Prout Coop in Motueka, playing at Riverside Festival (see photo); to Auckland again, then finally to Sydney to record and have fine at Jane's Kirtan resort. Oh yes, so much sun and laughter, warmth and tears, unlike the London grey that surrounds me now.
Moving from a space of feeling distant and isolated from family and friends, to closely connected again makes it so worthwhile. Spending quality time with my sisters, brother, neices, nephews, childhood friends, soul mates, and even deceased extended family members was a rich, fulfilling, kaleidascope experience.
Facilitating the Community Choir at the mela was awesome. Recording Unity Hours II kirtan with the same gals (almost) and same studio as 13 years ago for "Longing" at Q Studios, an intense recording relay over twelve hours, was immense challenge and bliss at the same time. Meditation was never so good afterwards!
After the New Year singing a thought came to me as I looked upwards at the clear sky above in Stanthorpe,
The gentle evening breeze
is the winds restlessness to find You my beloved
among the myriad of stars and milky way
it calls You in ecstatic longing
embraced within a small wooden shelter,
the breeze rests in Your loving arms
so will you also carry me beloved
in a small wooden boat
floating across waters calm and rough
in the twilight of my life
beneath the galaxies bespeckled above
within a shelter I long to stay
encircled within your heart