Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturday, quite a day!

It was quite a day yesterday. If one uses enough adrenalin for a week while playing one concert, then I used up enough for three weeks on Saturday, which is why I am feeling rather tired but inspired this morning.

Yesterday morning we had a concert at Marshall Laing Music School where 18 of my students performed different pieces they have been working on this term, one of which was "Tiny Green Island" by P.R.Sarkar. The whole eighteen of them performed with such flair the sound of 18 guitars playing together is quite beautiful.

Then we rushed to the Ranui Primary School where my students from the weekly Guitar Class I teach at the Ranui Community Centre were performing for the first time. This is an region of predominantly Pacific Island Maori music culture, R&B, hip hop, etc. So when my students played flamenco fantasy and folk songs on the guitar it made me proud, to see them reading music and playing with such sincerity knowing that it took alot of courage play that kind of music in front of their peers. It was a memorable moment to see them showing off their achievements this year, to have been their teacher and to be able to contribute to the community through the music.

Finally to Kawai Pura pura for the last Multi Faith Singing Evening of the year. This is something I have been organising for a while to bring together people from diverse spiritual and ethnic communities to collaborate musically and connect socially. Our AM Choir performed brilliantly, followed by a Kiirtan jam with Premratna from Skakti band and Ravi Masuraifrom TAALNZ and other communities singers from around Auckland. It left me feeling grateful and with a sense of fulfillment for all that had transpired that day, to finally arrived home and slip quietly into sleep.
And a Blast from the past to remind me of my friend Erik Azzopardi, a wonderful pianist, in London


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Namaskar Kapil

9:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for it Jyosna! Isn't it satisfying passing on a skill to the younger generation? I would love to have heard the performance. Have you seen this video?

10:20 pm  

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