Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A new chapter begins

A new chapter in my life has begun. I'm back in NZ, though its not really 'back' as so much has changed from the ten years ago when I was living here. its actually really 'present' and 'future' scenarios that I imagine while processing wounds and the ecstatic highs of the past. On a political level, Helen Clarke has made a very significant mark on this country, especially regarding indigenous people's issues, but now has gone and we have a new government.

Having been on tour, really since February when I went to Brazil for the first time, I have lived out of a suitcase for ten months, but a very magical suitcase that has given me a wider perspective, successfully rid myself of a few unnecessary dogmas from my mind's closet and added a little more courage to help adjust to this new adventure. No matter what, I'm envisioning a bright future, not just for me, but for everyone.

There has always been talk about great changes in 2012, and those changes are already taking place on every level. I feel the responsibility to keep a positive attitude to these changes that inevitably happen at an end and beginning of something new, both personally and globally.

Just how? I have to imagine, first what it could really be like if further environmental, political and economic disasters happen, how can I cope as well as be of assistance? How can I be ready for this? Are songs and meditations for self realisation enough? No, not at all, but its a good start. Meditation for the heart and mind first thing in the morning and at the end of the day is an invaluable asset for preparing oneself to deal with the experiences of life (using Baba nam kevalam, is great as a mantra if one doesn't have one's own, which simply means 'everything is an expression of the Supreme').

Secondly, making space for good to come 'into', and 'out' from my life. Remembering to surrender before every significant action, big or small and being open to different perspectives as we don't know what will be the outcome. We make our reality, together and alone!. There's something that I experienced at Wall Street a few months ago will never leave me. Many different groups of concerned people were listening to each other, cooperating and supporting each other. Groups who normally have nothing to do with one another were brought into contact and were working together towards a united cause. It can be hard at first, but what are the alternatives? A greater recession, further social and economic exploitation, more suicides?

I believe that
if we sing, we go high,
if we touch, we can cry;
if we cooperate, we survive;
and if we love, we thrive.


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