Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Performance at Marchmont Street Festival

The Marchmont Street Festival is a intimate, community based street festival that has been runnng for a number of years I believe and organised by Ricci de Freitas. On the day I arrived to see a wind band playing, with about 100 members of different ages, backgrounds and gender, followed by some talented hip hop artists. Kavita and I performed some Prabhata Samgiit, Sanskrit, Bengali and English songs. This was the third in a series of performances in the area, the previous two being in Brunswick Park. These profound yet joyful songs are also quite varied, and fitting to a festival atmosphere.

Our performance was followed by barn dancing, reggae and samba bands.
It was wonderful to be involved in an event that has such a broad and eclectic collection of music and theatrical performances. Thankyou Ricci and helpers.


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